The importance of this thematic orientation caused by the following factors:
Small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises and farms, which are grouped categories of farms with an area of <5 ha 5-50 ha ha 50-500 and 500-1,000 hectares due to the use of low technology, low level of mechanization, the lack of awareness require state support, including providing advice. This is because in these structures occupied by a large number of people and they are in isolated conditions and multidisciplinary areas of economic activity.
The share of small and medium enterprises account for 49.7% of the quantitative composition (2080 thousand. Pcs.). They occupy 36.3% of the area of agricultural land (10.3 mln. ha) and generate 45% of gross production. However, these farms mostly have a low level of technical equipment (0.4 Combine 100 hectares of arable land or 0.01 per farm). Provision of power means 100 hectares of arable land is 3.0 tractors or 0.75 units per farm. Depending on the sizes of farms level of mechanization in crop production is 18-60% and 12-20% in cattle.
This state of mechanization of small and medium enterprises significantly hinders the development of production and volume growth. An effective way is the technical upgrading of facilities-based loops forming machines and consideration and implementation of world trends in technology and the best examples of technology to support them.
LLC "Ahroremmash" offers Rigging for rural courtyard of the farm and the cooperative and the potential to offer a full range of equipment for soil cultivation, sowing, planting, caring for crops and other relevant areas of mechanization of the agricultural sector.
The significance of raising the level of mechanization and finding ways to achieve it have become a strong argument for a visit to the opening day at the exhibition enterprise government officials - Prime Minister of Ukraine Groisman VB Minister of agriculture and TV Angle environment with numerous specialists in various fields. During the meeting, the situation and the possible long-term approaches to solving problems and Director commented UkrNDIPVT them. Leonid Kravchuk VI Pogorelogo
Besides specialists LLC "Ahroremmash" expressed an active position and roundtables with the following topics: "Changes in the technical regulation of access to agricultural machinery market. Type approval requirements and procedures", "The effectiveness of the new technical and technological solutions in the band cultivation", "Engineering and technical support of agricultural engineering and technical modernization of AIC."
As a result of discussions of industry experts, including performances at the last of the above roundtables chief engineer LLC "Ahroremmash" Nitsko VI, noted the problem of providing high quality domestic agricultural machinery boromistkoyu steel, domestic fasteners, training and education experts, exhibitions, subsidies to farmers to renewal of equipment, necessary cooperation, mashynovyrobnykiv. With the aforementioned issues in UkrNDIPIT them. L. Pogorelogo planned in the near future coordination meeting of Ukrainian manufacturers of agricultural machinery.
Note that during the exhibition the exhibition was visited by about 10,000 visitors, most of whom received full information on the enterprise capabilities and opportunities of agricultural machinery production LLC "Ahroremmash."
Head of the department of research and testing machines in the plant
UkrNDIPVT them. L.Pohoriloho, Ph.D.
Shustik Leonid Prokopovich